About Trondheimsregionens friluftsråd
Trondheimsregionens friluftsråd is an intermunicipal council for outdoor activities in the region of Trondheim. It´s consisting of the municipalities Klæbu, Malvik, Melhus, Selbu, Skaun and Trondheim. All together this region has 240 000 inhabitants, as well as around 35.000 temporary residents, mostly students.
Our mission is to:
· Protect, facilitate and operate areas for outdoor activities.
· Enhance the understanding of the importance of available areas for outdoor activities and to increase the inhabitants’ use of outdoor activities.
· Implement outdoor activity-based courses for teachers, after-school staff and nursery staff.
In addition we provide the inhabitants with maps of areas suitable for outdoor activities in the region, and advice about where to go and what to do for outdoor activities and recreation. We also arrange activity happenings such as Ordførerens tur (the Mayor’s trip) and Friluftsdager (Outdoor Activity Days) in the six municipalities.
The history of Trondheimsregionens friluftsråd
In the 1930s it became clear that there was a need for intermunicipal cooperation regarding the tasks of outdoor activities in the region. In 1936 Trondheim og Omland friluftsråd was founded. The members of the council were the municipalities Trondheim, Strinda, Malvik, Byneset and Tiller. The main tasks of the council were preparation and operation of Vikhammerløkka in Malvik (1937) and Munkholmen (1956), both important regional areas for bathing and leisure activities.
The regional planning council prepared a plan regarding outdoor activities in 1973. The plan pointed out a need for facilitating areas for outdoor activities for regional use. The regional planning council recommended that the municipalities Klæbu, Malvik, Melhus, Skaun and Trondheim founded a council for cooperating about outdoor activities. The proposal was accepted by the municipalities, but still it took several years before members from the municipalities were elected. Trondheim og Omland friluftsråd was replaced by Trondheimsregionens friluftsråd. The first constitutive meeting In Trondheimsregionens friluftsråd was held 23rd of February 1978.
About outdoor activities in Norway
Outdoor activities are a fundamental part of the Norwegian culture. The traditions for outdoor activities are related to recreation and experiencing the nature, hunting, fishing, picking mushrooms and picking berries among others.
The most important and fundamental principles for outdoor activities in Norway are written down in the preamble of Friluftsloven (the Outdoor Recreation Law)
“The purpose of this law is to protect the basis for outdoor activities and to secure the public’s right to access, stay, among others in the nature, in such a way that the possibility to practice outdoor activities in a manner that promotes health and well-being, and is environmentally friendly, is preserved and promoted.
The preamble is rather comprehensive, so it covers both the right to free movement, staying and performing of activities in nature, including the work of protection of areas for outdoor recreation.
Information folder about outdoor recreation
Friluftsrådenes landsforbund (The Association of Intermunicipal Outdoor Recreation Boards) has made an information folder about outdoor recreation. Some of the information has been locally adapted so this folder can be used for Trondheimsregionen. The topics in the folder are the main rules for using countryside, coastline, forest and mountains for recreation, the Norwegian mountain code and where you can find useful information when planning a trip.
Welcome to the Norwegian nature
The Right of Public Access gives everybody the freedom to roam the Norwegian nature. This right applies to uncultivated land and to everybody, regardless of your background, sex or age. Uncultivated land is forets, mountaiuns, beaches, marshes and like.
Make sure you do not harm nature, animals or plants. Respect the interest of landowners and other people.The Right of Access does not apply to cultivated land like gardens, cropland and similar.
These Welcome to Norwegian nature cards are available in several languages to motivate people to take a trip outside in the nature.